Friday, June 13, 2008

Organisational Rhythm

At church tonight Pastor Paul shared about being in rhythm and how having the rhythm will help us focus and stay on course on our mission.

He shared about how momentum is the outcome of both the acceptance of the mission and the degree of rhythm attained throughout the team.

Resetting Rhythm

1) Live with clarified purpose
2 Tim 1:8-13
2) Have an intentional focus
3) Committed in spirit

I thought this was quite cool: if we don't deal with our disappointments, it will become discouragement and if we don't deal with discouragement it becomes disengagement.

An unchecked environment reveals what is in our spirit.

Deep...very cool thought about how in our lives, in our church to keep that rhythm going we need to think about the above points. It is what keeps us going.

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