Ok so I told myself no more baking but I just needed to try something new or more like bake this Japanese cheesecake that I've got the ingredients for but have not dared to adventure into it.
To my surprise the end result smelt really nice but I was disappointment at the height of the cake. I used a very big cake tin so that's probably why. I will have to search for a smaller pan if I want my cake to rise more.
There were a few variety of recipe for Japanese Cottonsoft cake but below is one that I chose from a blog I read.
Here is the end result, more like a cheese pancake:
Jap Soft cheesecake
Ingredients:125 g creamcheese at room temperature
20 g butter, soften
40 ml milk
65 g caster sugar
3 large eggs, white and yolk seperated
1/4 tsp cream of tartar
40 g self raising flour ( or cake flour)
1/4 tsp salt
1 scant tbsp orange juice
1 tbsp orange zest
Method :1. Add 500 ml water into a big baking tray ( that the tin you use for the cheesecake can fit in) and place the tray in the oven then preheat the oven to 160c.Line the base and side of a 18-20 cm springform/cake tin with parchment paper. Then use a big piece of foil to wrap the tin around from the bottom upto top of the tin side.
2. Place the butter, creamcheese and milk in a bowl set over a saucepan then wait until the butter has melted, remove the bowl from the heat and give it a really good stir until the mixture is smooth, set aside and leave it cool to the room temperature.
3. Add the orange juice and zest to the creamcheese mixture, stir to blend then add the yolks and mix them until incorperated. Sift the flour and salt into another mixing bowl,pour over the cream cheese and egg mixture in the center of thr flour. Quickly whisk or stir everything until just blended ( don't overmix or the cake will be tough)
4. In a seperate mixing bowl , beat the egg white with cream of tartar until foamy, then gradually add the sugar ,few tablespoons at a time, and continue to beat at high speed until reach the soft-medium peak ( more than soft but not hard peak). Gently fold the white into the creamcheese mixture until blended.
5. Pour the batter into the prepared tin. Place the tin in the preheated baking tray and bake for 50-60 minutes or until a toothpick inserted from center comes out clean. Turn the cake out on to a wire rack once taken from the oven ( the cake will shrink if left too long in the tin!). Leave to cool at room temperature, then let it set in the fridge for another hour or so before slicing and serve.