Friday, November 6, 2009

Favourite date scone at the moment...with a twist of ginger

I brought my dear friend whom I met while working at World Vision to Ironquie cafe along Mt Eden road because I wanted their date ginger scone from there! I'm still very addicted to scones and I know it's a bad habit to have...Nevertheless here is the scone and it's just soooo delicious! It's not the usual date plain scone as it has a twist of ginger to it with dry crystalized ginger between the scone. As you bite into the moist scone you taste the chewy ginger and dates too which makes it a very nice 'different' taste and texture - It is definately for you if you want to be adventurous with your scone, and if you don't like ginger then I don't recommend it =)

Spread with butter:

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