Friday, October 28, 2011

Puppies cupcakes

I've recently had an urge to decorate cakes and cupcakes but am scared to do it because it "looks" hard. So, I thought i'll start easy and begin with cupcakes and got myself some books from the library and bought some neccessity from the cake store! I never knew the cake store had so many different icing, cutters, glitters, cupcake cups, and the list goes on...and if I could honestly spend more $$ than needed getting different things to make one piece for the cake!

So, here are my first cupcakes I decorated for a work mate's 30th birthday and why puppies you may ask?? It's because she has a little pup that she talks so much about and love =D I got this idea from a cupcake decorating book I borrowed.

This is my favourite with the puppy digging his head in the grass:

The final product placed in the box ready to give away:

It was fun but definately time consuming and I think I have to read up more about drying the fondant so that it doesnt go soft or perhaps use a mixture specifically for making models. Nevertheless I'm happy with my first attempt lol!

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