Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Day

Spending time with family & friends is such an important feeling and place to be at Christmas. Christmas is really demonstrated by the love of God that he gave his only son to come to earth so that we may have life and to have it to the fullest, although there are many times I do not live to that fullest.

Christmas is also where there is an over abundance of food, and good that are home made and always taste better than outside! I had so much food over the last few nights it's crazy! No wonder people always have new year resolution of being healthy, losing weight etc lol must be all the food during this season!

Anyways talking about food, here is a Christmas cake that my sister in law Charmaine baked & Siaw Hui decorated it with beautiful choir boys and a tree. It was VERY impressive! Well done girls!

The figurines:

The inside of the cake:

We were blessed to be able to join Dorin & Jeff's family at their new home and taste her mum's great baking! Fruit cake to me has not always been at the top of my favourite cake list although I must say after trying this one that she made...I think i'll only come back for this! It's light and moist, and taste between malay cake and fruit cake....and without any shame, I had to take some back with me!

A more tradional fruit cake:

and you can't get away without the good old bbq!

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Those foods look fabulous! I would love to have the recipe to the fruitcake.