Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Pandan Chiffon Cake

I have always wanted to make chiffon cakes especially pandan flavour because I really love the smell and the taste of it! I finally bought a electric mixer and put it to use straight away! I can't believe I manage to bake all this while with just a fork and wooden spoon! Hence I've never really tried baking chiffon cakes, or anything to do with cream!

I was surprise and glad that my chiffon cake turned out well although it's not as high as I would like it to be but I'm glad that the cake did not overflow while baking.

I never knew that the egg white mixed with sugar had to be foamy and it was my first time seeing this infront of my eyes. Yes, that's how new I am to chiffon cakes or anything that consist of egg whites and sugar =)

I will try banana chiffon cake next time and hopefully improve in my steaming of cakes.
Ok, the cake smells so good out of the oven I can't wait to eat it now!

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